August 2024

Three, two, one - film away! Why do companies rely on videos?

Videos increase attention and trust - essential for modern brand communication.

Three, two, one - film away! Why do companies rely on videos?
What does modern brand communication look like?


79% of Germans regularly watch videos on the internet and share up to 700 YouTube videos on Twitter. Videos are even top performers in the SEO sector. They increase the chance of landing at the top of the Google search platform by a factor of 53. If users then come to your website, videos increase the length of stay here by up to 20 percent.

Of course, this trend does not stop at the social media universe. Moving images are the better media, according to the motto: What moves, attracts attention. Media giants such as Facebook and Instagram have also recognized this trend and adapted their algorithms accordingly, as moving images promise a significantly higher dwell time and interaction rate than fixed photographs.


But videos are not only eye-catching, they are even better teachers. Information conveyed visually is processed 60,000 times faster by our brain and thus anchored in our long-term memory. Text performs much worse in comparison - only 10 percent of the information is retained. This figure is 50 percent for moving images.


Our brain loves stories and is therefore also a big fan of storytelling. Stories not only put products into context, but also evoke emotions and even release happiness hormones. As we humans are very emotionally driven and cannot act purely rationally, storytelling is one of the most important levers in sales. It allows the customer to associate the product with emotions and positive feelings.


"People don't buy goods or services. They buy relationships, stories and magic " - Seth Godin


However, not only emotions, but also the entertainment value is many times higher with videos than with pictures alone.

But videos offer another important advantage - the human voice. This is not only a familiar acoustic signal, but also increases trust in a brand. This makes video the medium that comes closest to direct customer contact.


Visual content is in demand like never before - companies of all sizes and from all sectors should respond to this.


Now the most important points in brief.

Why should companies rely on videos for a successful public image?

  • Videos offer the opportunity to explain the product or service to the customer in a short space of time
  • Instead of talking your head off because every customer has the same questions, videos offer the advantage of scalability - once recorded, the content can be shown to any number of customers at any time
  • Regular video communication increases trust in the brand and thus promotes customer loyalty
  • Emotional storytelling keeps your brand in the customer's mind for the long term
  • Sophisticated video marketing increases findability in search engines such as Google
  • Video marketing attracts more attention than photos and posters
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